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Matt Eld
Jeff Hamlett
Graham Holdsworth
Clarke & Gillott
Terry Kelly

If you would like a link adding here please email Jeff Hamlett at


North West Fife Fancy Canary Club

Roles of Officers

Date Issued:





The Role of Officers:

This document is intended to outline the broad responsibilities and term of office for each of the officer posts of the North West Fife Fancy Canary Club.

Honorary President

An honorary post, proposed and elected by the committee at the annual AGM. A figurehead for the club and recognition of significant contribution. Required to assist in the presentation of specials at the annual club show.

 Term of Office: until resigned

Honorary Chairman

An honorary post, proposed and elected by the committee at the annual AGM.

Holds casting vote should the committee fail to agree by majority on table motion.

 Term of Office: 2 years

General & Show Secretary

Elected by the committee. Manages the operational running of the club. Post box for motions for consideration. Runs all aspects of show administration. Responsible for all correspondence to and from the club.

 Assistant Show Secretary – Appointed by Secretary

Term of Office: 1 year


Elected by the committee. Manages the financial operation of the club ensuring that sufficient funds are in place to discharge club activity during the financial year (runs Jan – Dec). Manages the financial risk and liability to the club and its members.

Term of Office: 1 year

Show Manager

Elected by the committee. Manages the show ensuring judges have sufficient stewards, judging of specials and the movement of birds on the show is in-line with club policy.

 Term of Office: 1 year

Publicity Officer

Elected by the committee. Ensures appropriate level of pre and post show publicity, development of club website as determined by the committee

 Term of Office: 1 year


By invitation from serving club officials. The committee is formed from the serving club officials and up to 6 individual paid up members. Each member of the committee has equal voting rights on tabled motions.

 Term of Office: 1year



Other links of interest
National Council of Aviculture
Fife Federation